A Moving Memorial Day Speech in Afghanistan
Sacrifice begets remembrance.

Seed for the sower and bread for the hungry
"Come Lord, stir us up and call us back, kindle us and seize us, be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love, let us run." –Augustine
Our goal is to furnish comprehensive, in-depth content that is from an orthodox, historically faithful Christian perspective. With a Theos flavor.
“My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”
– Hosea 4:6
Greetings, and a hearty welcome to you.
As we launch a new venture under the ever-enlarging Theos umbrella of activity, an overview of this website is duly merited.
What is Theos Resource?
A one-stop-shop Christian resources page.
What purpose does it serve?
To equip the believer, build the Church, rescue the confused, and to engage the skeptical.
What is its mission statement?
“Seed for the sower, bread to the hungry.”
What content will it consist of?
Articles on myriad topics, digital libraries, position papers, podcasts, church resources, blogs, reviews, excerpts of books, stellar student papers from Theos Seminary, and much more.
What topics will it cover?
Theology, politics, book, movie, and music reviews, apologetics, church history, current events, all things church, philosophy, and more.
How often will fresh content appear?
Is Theos Resource free?
Yes. That may change in the future, but it will always be free for TheosU subscribers.
“The goal of a modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.” --C.S.Lewis
Essentially, we yearn to help cut down jungles of horrific, wrong Christian and human thinking as well as ideas. And we wish to irrigate deserts of mind and soul with truth, doctrine, beauty, and goodness.
Our collective goal is to furnish comprehensive, in-depth content that is from an orthodox, historically faithful Christian perspective.
We hope you drink deeply from Theos Resource, and imbibe cheerfully.
Interested in writing or contributing to Theos Resource?
Please contact Josh Biedel at josh@theosu.ca.