About Us
We create digestible courses for Christians to know the Bible in-context and experience spiritual transformation. All for the price of Netflix.
The Devil quoted the Bible out-of-context.
Jesus quoted the Bible in-context.
It matters.
13+ Faculty
Teaching from PhD professors, local pastors, working missionaries, teachers, and traveling evangelists makeup our dynamic faculty
Many denominations engrave their
non-essential preferences in stone.
We don't. We hold to the teachings that the historic Church has taught consistently for the past 2k years.
Ideas are meant to be critiqued and
defended. No-one on our faculty is safe from our meme-team. It keeps us engaged in culture, and humble with our ideas and preferences.
Our Faculty

Dr. David Campbell
David H Campbell is recognized as a Bible teacher in the Newfrontiers family of churches, as well as other networks, and regularly travels, teaching in Canada, the USA and the UK.
B.A. | MDiv | MLitt

Chris Palmer
The Rev. Chris Palmer is a professor of theology, a fourth year PhD researcher at the University of Wales, Bangor (UK), and the academic dean of Theos University. His areas of expertise are Johannine literature, Koine Greek, and theodicy. Chris is the author of eight books and lives in Franklin, TN
B.A. | M.T.S | PhD Researcher

Josh Biedel
Josh has taught professionally from middle school through college, in private, public, and Christian institutions, as well as in church settings for all ages.
B.Th | B.A.History | M.A.History | M.A. Teaching | Pastor

Dr. Jacob Wolf
Jacob is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the James Madison Program for American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. He received his PhD in Political Science from Boston College
PhD | B.A.

Layla Nahavandi
Layla Nahavandi is a next-generation preacher who preaches the word of God with power and ministers prophetically in churches around Australia
Doctoral Candidate

Stephen Wesley
Stephen has been involved in ministry for 30 plus years and is a joy-filled anointed communicator of the word of God. Stephen was born on an army base in Northern Ontario, raised in Germany, educated in America where he earned his Bachelor of Theology and was initiated into full-time ministry in Uganda, East Africa.
B.Th | Teaching Pastor

Filmore Bouldes
Filmore Bouldes is a pastor at C3 NYC with a passion to communicate the truths of scripture in a way that is both practical & inspirational.
Teaching Pastor

Landon MacDonald
Landon is a human being and pastor from the Phoenix Desert. He loves his wife and kids and Nintendo and Tea and record collecting. He graduated from Moody
B.Th | Pastor | Teacher

Gabriel Finochio
Gabriel is a co-founder of TheosU and TheosSeminary, and is a Chestertonian scholar. Gabriel studied at Portland Bible College in Portland OR (B.Th)
B.Th | Teaching Pastor

Nathan Finochio
Nathan is the author of Hearing God, a teaching pastor, and the Founder of TheosU and TheosSeminary. Nathan studied at Portland Bible College in Portland OR (B.Th)
B.Th | Teacher | Author

Sincere Cardona
Sincere is a born and bred New Yorker, and has been passionate about studying and teaching the Scriptures since his radical transformation to life in Christ in 2014.
B.A. | Teacher

John Adams
John grew up as a missionary kid in Cap-Haitien, Haiti. After a decade in the U.S., he moved back there in 2013 to teach at l’Institut Biblique de l’Alliance de Grâce. John has a PBC degree
B.Th | Teacher

John Finochio
John has been Pastoring for over 20 years in Canada and been in active ministry even longer. He holds a unique blend of gifts including teaching, preaching, prophetic ministry and more.
Pastor | Teacher

Dr. Thomas West
Thomas West is a preacher, teacher, and disciple-maker who enjoys working with emerging leaders. His research (PhD, Systematic Theology)
PhD | Systematic Th.

Dr. Fredrick Long
Professor of New Testament & Director of Greek Instruction at Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, KY)
B.S. | M.Div. | M.A. | Ph.D.

Jude Fouquier
Pastor Jude is the founding Pastor of City Church California in Ventura. He holds a degree in business from Oral Roberts University and has been in ministry for over 25 years with a passion to build a life-giving local church that influences individuals and the world.

Elijah Lamb
Elijah is an online Bible teacher specifically focused on reaching & discipling Gen z through platforms like tik tok and instagram.
Pete Davidson After Getting Saved At Kanye's Sunday Service

Bob MacGregor
Bob MacGregor is the Lead Pastor of City Harvest Church in Vancouver, Washington, a church plant of City Bible Church in Portland, Oregon. Bob has a great burden to equip and strengthen pastors around the world and in the U.S. He is a Vice-Chairman and The International Director of Ministers Fellowship International.

Dr. Peter Kreeft
Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College, and author of over 90 books.

Dr. Christina Crenshaw
Dr. Christina Crenshaw is a professor, researcher, writer, and human trafficking fighter. She is also an advocate for the integration of faith and culture, frequently speaking and writing on topics related The Church and biblically-rooted justice.

Matthew VanNorstran
Matt holds a Bachelor of Bible & Theology from Lee University, a Master of Theological Studies from Pentecostal Theological Seminary, and a Master of Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is pursuing his Ph.D. in biblical studies from Bangor University, specializing in Pentecostal approaches to scripture. Matt is an instructor in the Old Testament and Hebrew for TheosU and Theos Seminary where he teaches interpretive methodologies.
B.Th | M.T.S | PhD Researcher

Justin Reimer
Justin and Jennifer Reimer are the Lead Pastors of Vivid Church which they pioneered in 2016. They are devoted to reflecting the light of Jesus’ life for all to see - knowing that if people can simply get a glimpse of Jesus for who He really is, everything changes. Their faith, love, wisdom and determination to investing into people is not only seen in the culture of Vivid Church, but also in their own family, which includes eight incredible children.
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