How Tall were the Nephilim?
How Tall Were The Nephilim?
(Questions And Answers Regarding A Genesis Mystery)
Who Were the Nephilim?
This article deals with a controversial topic—a race of beings called Nephilim. Sometimes called giants, the Hebrew Bible specifically references them in Genesis 6. They are likely mentioned (and known by other names) in ancient literature and myths around the world, such as the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Read on to learn more about these beings referenced in ancient mythological literature and legends around the world.
Are Nephilim Fallen Angels?
According to the Hebrew text of Genesis chapter six, Nephilim were the offspring of the “sons of God” and human females:
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
–Genesis 6:1-6
The Hebrew word Nephilim (הַנְּפִלִ֞ים) is connected with the English terms fallen ones and giants. Most believe fallen angels are the “sons of God” referenced in Genesis. It is thought these beings attempted to thwart God’s plan to send Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, to reestablish humanity's right relationship with God by compromising the bloodline that flows from Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to David, to Jesus. The thought is that by interrupting this pure bloodline, they could stop the coming of the Messiah (prophesied in Genesis 3:16). This view strongly aligns with the thought that fallen angels became demons and now work in many ways to oppress God's people and plan. The offspring of the union between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men," the Nephilim, are a separate and distinct race—different from the humans mentioned in Genesis chapter 6:1.
The Bible also refers to the Nephilim as the “mighty men old” and the “men of renown.” They are associated with evil and the corruption of humanity. Many believe the Nephilim led human beings into great sin, which prompted God to bring about a great judgment—the flood in the days of Noah. Sumer-Babylonian writings likely reference the same group of beings, also noting that they were evil, great in their own sight, and fought against human males.
The fallen ones (Nephilim) were reportedly of enormous size. Some ancient texts, such as the ancient Sumerian work, The Epic of Gilgamesh, present the offspring of the gods as the oppressors of the people of Uruk. These beings were mighty, evil, warriors, stopped only by the chief god who destroyed them via a flood.
The writings of Enoch specifically reference the sin and great stature of these beings. Enoch’s Book of Giants, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, reads: “They knew the secrets of man, their sin was great in the earth…and they killed man…and bore great giants.”
Genesis 6 notes that God was saddened by what He saw on earth. The mighty men—giants—the offspring of fallen angels corrupted humanity and sin abounded. In the days of Noah, virtually everyone disobeyed God and the human race was in jeopardy. God’s judgment, a flood from which only Noah and his family would survive, was just and foreshadowed the ministry of the Messiah, who offers salvation to all who would enter into a relationship with Him (Rev. 3:20).
Are Nephilim the Same as Giants?
Most Bible scholars believe that Nephilim is a genetically distinct race created when fallen angels had sexual intercourse with human females who, in turn, bore children. They are not human. Genesis 6 notes that the “sons of God’ desired the “daughters of men” and from them came the Nephilim. The phrase “sons of God” has a mildly broad application. Though New Testament phrases such as child of God and sons of righteousness refer to redeemed humans, the Old Testament connotation of sons of God is thought by most to refer to angels (as it does in Job 1:6). The phrase, “daughters of men” is less ambiguous and most see the phrase as referring to human women.
Though the Hebrew word Nephilim is used as a synonym with the word giant in some Bible translations of the Old Testament (particularly the King James and New King James translations), there is likely a distinction between the two terms. The Bible states that God destroyed sinful life in the flood—including the Nephilim. Most Bible Scholars believe the Nephilim’s unique DNA died out at that time. The angels who transgressed God’s boundaries and had sexual intercourse with “the daughters of men” are likely the beings held and awaiting their judgment in the New Testament book of Jude 1:6-7.
However, the Old Testament mentions a few giants after the flood—their origin is not specifically noted in Scripture but they are not presented as coming from the union of fallen angels and humans. The post-flood giants mentioned in Jewish literature are, like the Nephilim, not Jehovah-worshippers, are mortal, and though powerfully built, were killed by average men.
The giant Goliath in David’s time, Og, King of Bashan in the days of the Judges, and the giants in the promised land in the days of Moses and Joshua are the other giants mentioned in Scripture.
Giants are commonly found in literature outside of the biblical canon. They are several thousand "ells" tall (miles tall) in Sumerian literature and huge "Paul Bunyan" type figures in Western legend. Giants are prominent in legend among indigenous groups in North and South America and among many ancient European people groups. Notably, dozens of skeletons of individuals exceeding seven feet tall have been found throughout America—particularly in mound-type burial sites in Missouri and in different areas of the Midwest and California.
So How Tall Were the Nephilim, Really?
There is no hard evidence or biblical notations indicating the precise height of Nephilim. However, skeletal remains in North America and biblical references to the height of the giants Goliath and King Og likely provide a basis for reasonable speculation. Skeletal remains in the Americas, though not widely spoken of, include specimens measuring 10-18 feet tall (Top Ten Giant Discoveries in North America | Ancient Origins ( Dozens were found between 1850 and 1940, though information on these finds was not widely distributed and strongly disputed.
Historians can compensate for ancient measurements and determine the height of giants and angels referenced in ancient literature. For example, the Old Testament Hebrew “span” is approximately 9”, and the ancient ell, as in the “three thousand ells” in Enoch’s Book of Giants (likely a scribal error), makes his giants 22,500 feet tall. King Og’s bed was nine cubits long. Roughly, a cubit is 18,” making Og’s bed approximately 12 feet long. The Masoretic Text notes that Goliath was “six cubits and a span” tall (approximately 9 feet 9 inches). The cherubs in 1 Kings 6 were ten cubits—making them 15 feet tall. The tallest man in modern times was Robert Wadlow. He died in 1940 and was one-inch shy of 9 feet tall. All things considered, one can speculate that Nephilim was likely taller than the tallest of humans, making them perhaps 10-15 feet tall.
What Does All the Bible Say About Nephilim?
Nephilim are specifically mentioned in Scripture, though detailed information about their size, weight, lifespan, appearance, and fate is not. A brief overview from the Bible follows:
Bible Verses About Biblical Giants and Nephilim?
As we read before, the Nephilim are specifically referenced in the book of Genesis. In chapter 6:2-4, again, we read:
“…The sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not remain with man forever because he is also flesh; nevertheless his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of mankind, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”
Most Bible scholars believe the union between the sons of God and the daughters of men was contrary to the will of God and that the Nephilim were willful creatures who led the world into sin. Many believe the beings referenced in Joel 6-7, who are held in a special place of judgment, are the progenitors of the Nephilim— the sons of God referenced in Genesis 6.
The apocryphal writings, The Book of Enoch and The Book of Giants (both written in the name of Enoch but not by Enoch) indicate that the Nephilim were malevolent “giants who consumed all the acquisitions of men and devoured mankind," arising from the union of humans and fallen angels, known as the "watchers."
Giants are large humans, often presented as opposers of the will of God and God's chosen people. They are mortal, often known as mighty men, human in appearance, and born of human women and men. Great giants such as King Og are referenced in Scripture in Deuteronomy 9:1-2; Numbers 13:33; 1 Samuel 17, and Joshua 11:21-22.
Was Goliath a Nephilim?
It is likely that Goliath was not a Nephilim. Supporting this supposition is:
- The Nephilim were a specific species—arising from the union of a fallen angel and a human woman. No such parentage is referenced in biblical or secular references to Goliath.
- The Nephilim were wiped out in the great flood. Their specific DNA was lost at that time and they are not specifically mentioned in Scripture as being on earth after the days of Noah.
- God forbid the union of fallen angels and women after the flood
Like the Nephilim, Goliath was mighty in stature—a giant—an imposing, powerful figure. Unlike Nephilim, Goliath was 100% human and vulnerable to human attack--even the rock from a sling of the boy, David.
How Tall Was Goliath?
There is some variance in the answer to this question. This is due to there being slight variances in the various families of manuscripts Bible translations draw from. These primarily have to do with the spelling of proper nouns (the spelling of names and places). However, in a few verses where the original text was not clear, scribal variances have arisen, which impact modern translations of the Bible. These issues almost always concern weights and measures and do not impact any points of important doctrine.
By way of example, the Text and Canon Institute notes a New Testament example in Acts 27. Most ancient manuscripts of Acts 27:37 note there were 276 people on board the Apostle Paul's ship. However, one manuscript, known as the Codex Vaticanus (B 03), notes there were 76 people on board.
Though most Bible translations note that Goliath was about 6 feet 9 inches tall ("4 cubits and a span"), as noted earlier in this article, the Masoretic Text notes that Goliath was “six cubits and a span” tall, making him approximately 9 feet 9 inches tall.
Misconceptions about the Nephilim
The Nephilim are shrouded in mystery, and over the centuries, various mythologies regarding their existence have developed. A brief profile of three schools of thought follows:
- The Nephilim escaped the flood and were banished to America. Interestingly, indigenous North American people groups have legends about giants with advanced technology, red hair, double rows of teeth, and six fingers on each hand. A number of skeletons have been found, but some allege the Smithsonian Institute, on orders of the U.S. government, confiscates evidence and suppresses awareness of the finds.
- Some believe the Nephilim were banished by God to Antarctica. In this vast frozen wasteland, the creatures are either imprisoned and awaiting a final judgment or they have thrived and established a sophisticated underground civilization. Some believe they will be released during the tribulation period, or at the end of the Millennial Reign of Christ. The rather unusual closure of airspace over Antarctica, the occasional, unexplained power/radio signals from the area, and periodic eye-witness glimpses of what could be structures or entrances to structures serve to keep the myth alive.
- The Nephilim are somehow tied to the Annikundi: Sumer-Babylon culture is known for the development of an alphabet and the first written epic, Gilgamesh. In the 12-tablet Akkadian version of the story, the gods (literally, those of royal lineage) are giant, Nephilim-like malevolent creatures who menace humanity. These beings are lost in a great flood. Many supporters of Zechariah Stichen’s archeological and anthropological work in Sumer believe the Annikundi are extraterrestrial beings from a planet that orbits the sun every 3600 years, known as planet X. Most, however, believe it makes sense that the Akkadian creatures in the Gilgamesh epic have as their origin, the oral history of the Nephilim that Moses would later reference in what we now know as the book of Genesis.
Is It True That God Destroyed the Nephilim?
The Bible notes that all life on land and sea, except one righteous man (Noah) and his family, and the animals carried with them in the Ark, were lost in the flood—this includes the Nephilim.
Was the Book of Giants in the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Included in the library of literature found in what we now call the Dead Sea Scrolls, is all but one section of one book comprising the Old Testament, and hundreds of poems, stories, songs, and legal documents. Among these thousands of scroll fragments are portions of the writings of Enoch, including TheBook of the Giants, which references Nephilim.The Book of Enoch is outside the canon of Scripture. Technically Enoch's writings are considered apocryphal and part of the pseudepigraphal collection of writings strongly rejected by early leaders of the Christian Church.