Church History 2 follows the spread of Jesus’ influence through the second millennium from the High Middle Ages to the present day.
During these centuries, we see the Western church reach the zenith of its political power before fracturing due to corruption and doctrinal controversy. Made possible partly by rapid improvements in technology and trade, the Reformation era decentralizes the study of Scripture, brings doctrinal and moral renewal, and creates a new impetus for global missions. At the dawn of the Third Millennium, Christianity’s center is shifting from its traditional base in Christendom to the ends of the earth, fulfilling Jesus’ promise and creating unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the church.
This course is for anyone seeking to understand the big picture and find their place in the story we find ourselves in.
1. The High Middle Ages (1054-1305)
The High Middle Ages (1054-1305) in Church History II
2. The Late Middle Ages (1305 - 1517)
The Late Middle Ages (1305-1517) in Church History II
3a. The Reformation Era (1517-1648)
The Reformation Era (1517-1648) in Church History II
3b. The Reformation Era (1517-1648)
The Reformation Era (1517-1648) in Church History II
3c. The Reformation Era (1517-1648)
The Reformation Era (1517-1648) in Church History
6. The Age of Reason and Revival (1648-1789)
The Age of Reason and Revival (1648-1789) in Church History II
7. The Age of Progress (1789-1914)
The Age of Progress (1789-1914) in Church History II
6. The Age of Global Christianity (1914-now)
The Age of Global Christianity (1914-now) in Church History II