Church History taught by John Adams covering The Apostolic Church (A.D. 0-100), The Old Catholic Church (A.D. 100-313), The Christian Roman Empire (A.D. 313-590), and The Early Middle Ages (A.D. 590-1054)
Part One
Introduction to Church History with John Adams
Part Two
The Apostolic Church (A.D. 0-100)
Part Three
The Old Catholic Church (A.D. 100-313) and the external threat of persecution.
Part Four
The Old Catholic Church (A.D. 100-313) and the internal threat of heresy.
Part Five
The Christian Roman Empire (A.D. 313-590) & the Constantinian Revolution and the fall of the Roman Empire
Part Six
The Christian Roman Empire (A.D. 313-590) and the controversies and councils of the era
Part Seven
The Christian Roman Empire (A.D. 313-590) and the monastic response to Constantinianism and the leaders it produced
Part Eight
The Early Middle Ages (A.D. 590-1054) & the rise of the papacy, the emergence of Islam, & the redirection of Christian missionary expansion
Part Nine
The Early Middle Ages (A.D. 590-1054) & on the birth of Christendom, the age of feudalism, and the Great Schism